A mutual fund is a pool of money from numerous investors, who wish to save or make money. Investing in a mutual fund can be a lot easier than buying and selling individual stocks and bonds on your own.
An ETF, or exchange traded fund, is a marketable security that tracks an index, a commodity, bonds, or a basket of assets like an index fund. Unlike mutual funds, an ETF trades like a common stock on a stock exchange. ETFs experience price changes throughout the day as they are bought and sold.
ETFs Mutual Funds Can be traded throughout the day Trade at closing NAV Low operating expenses Operating expenses vary No minimum investment Most have a minimum investment amount Tax-efficient Less tax-efficient No sales loads May have sales load.
Wealthfund is an investment platform to buy and sell financial products. It does not hold investor's money as it gets directly transferred to the AMC account under Investor's name. Since the investor is connected with an AMC, any action on the part of the Wealthfund would not impact investment holdings.
Yes, we are using 256-bit encryption for all network communication.
All portfolios are rebalanced annually at no charge. However, we also rebalance a portfolio on an investor's request or on extraordinary market events.
Yes, you would be informed 48 hours prior to any rebalancing alongside the proposed allocation. This allows you time to withdraw from the account if you do not feel the strategy appropriate to meet your long term goals.
Yes. We appreciate you might wish to have multiple accounts for different family members.
No. At present, we are not charging to register and open a Wealthfund Investment Account.
Yes. We are pleased you enjoy our product and would like to recommend us to your friends and family. For the latest scheme please refer to our website.
At present, funding in the account can only be done online. Cheques are not accepted.
No. If you are already KYC verified with CVL KRA, we would only require a Duly Signed Account Opening Form to process your transaction. In case of non- verification with CVL KRA, you will be required to submit Account opening form, along with PAN and Address Proof.
Saving every month is a good start to achieve your goals. You can invest through SIP (Systematic Investment Plans), where the investment amount can be fixed. SIP when linked with your bank account, will automatically deduct the fixed amount at pre-defined intervals.
We are registered with AMFI and strictly follow the guidelines. We are also in process of being registered with SEBI as a RIA.
Yes, investments can be redeemed at any time. The exit load charges may vary from scheme to scheme.
In case of a Liquid fund, you will receive credit in T+ 1 day (where T means Transaction day). In case of Equity, it will take T+ 3 days.
Your assets are held by AMC under a unique folio number, which was allotted when units were bought.
No minimum amount is required for account opening.
Any individual or non-individual, who has PAN No. and has completed KYC formalities.
Yes, but only if you are an Indian Citizen holding a Permanent Account Number (PAN).
You can invest according to your financial preferences and risk tolerance. Wealthfund can help you analyze and determine the right amounts based on your financial goals.
No. We do not take commission from clients. Commission is paid by AMCs' on annual basis, in the form of brokerage.